Thursday, March 29, 2007

Working Too Hard

Sorry, I haven't posted anything for a while. I've been working on an animation for one of my classes. I think I post a version of it when I'm all done. In the mean time, here are a couple of compositions I planned on putting up last fall, but never got around to it. They have a ton of stuff I would change now, but thats one good thing of looking at old stuff; you get to see your growth.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

African Animals

Hey y'all! I did these for TheQuickDraw. They were done with a Pitt Pen and were really fast. I've been drawing for 15 min every day for about a week now, and I'm lovin it. Its good to get back into drawing.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Disembodied Heads

Yes, I am guilty of neglecting my blog for about 6 months now. What happened? Laziness mostly, but busyness too. We focused a lot of effort on trying to finnish Lion and the Mouse, but it is still not done. I think we all got burnout from working on it too hard in such a short amount of time. Enjoy these heads from my sketchbook. When I get bored, and have nothing else to draw, heads come out.